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Announcements for the week of December 20, 2021


“…Growing, Caring, Sharing”

The Life and Work of the Church

Sunday, December 19, 2021

4th of Advent (Love) Sunday

Ministry Focus Areas for Trinity:

Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering

for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.

We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishnaabe Nation. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.

We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!

Please note:

Please call the Church Office at (705)738-5135 or email at to receive confirmation of your booking. All functions in the church such as Committee and Council Meetings, must be booked ahead of date with the Office Administrator. It is imperative to book your rooms ahead of time because Covid protocols need be observed and numbers must be kept. We are only allowed 25 people at one time in the entire building during the week except for church services.

Special Activities this Week at Trinity

We sincerely thank all of those participating in activities and meetings for following the Covid 19 Protocols established by the Ontario Government and the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit. We all need to do our part to keep our church as safe as possible!

Mon. 20 Respite Care, 8:30 a.m., Trinity Hall

Tues. 21 Susan Murray "Celebration of Life"

Wed. 22 Respite Care, 8:30 a.m., Trinity Hall

Wed. 22 Prayer Circle, 9:30 a.m., Fellowship Room

Fri. 24 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED for Christmas holiday

Fri. 24 Candle Light Service, 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary

Sun. 26 NO Sunday church Service

Please Remember in your Prayers Those at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. If you need prayer or would like to be part of a prayer group, please contact the Prayer Circle in confidence at (705)738-5135 (church office). This week please pray for the Chinese United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECO).

Susan Murray’s Celebration of Life

Susan Murray passed away on Monday, December 13, 2021 peacefully at the hospital. Her “Celebration of Life” will be taking place on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. via Livestream. The link will be:

Volunteers in the Narthex for Sunday Mornings

With the Covid-19 numbers increasing, we will continue with our safety procedures on Sunday mornings in the new year. Our volunteers during the fall have been outstanding! We now need volunteers to be Greeters/Screeners, Contact Recorders and Ushers prior to church services beginning in January. If you can assist, please contact me by phone. I'll also have my calendar with me on Sunday mornings. With heartfelt thanks! Connie Picken (705-738-2863).

Best wishes to all those who have Birthdays and Anniversaries in December!

Book Club – “The Heart of Christianity” …

Is finished for this year and the next we meeting will be next year on Thurs. Jan. 20, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. All are welcome to join in!


Solomon’s Porch Bible Study is finished meeting for this year but will start meeting again every Thursday in the Fellowship Room starting on January 20, 2022! Everyone is welcome to participate!

The 22nd Annual Bobcaygeon Community Christmas Dinner

will be held again this year on December 25th as a “Pickup Option #1” go to or “Delivery Option #2 (if you or a friend can not pick it up and you live within the village of Bobcaygeon, a delivery can be arranged). Please call Sigrid at 705-731-0844 to place your order. Please see the bulletin board in the Narthex for more information or call Knox Presbyterian Church. Pick-up will be between 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the Knox Presbyterian parking lot at 6 Joseph St., Bobcaygeon.


The 2022 envelopes are ready for pick up at the church. If you do not see a box with your name on it and would like to receive a box for your Givings, please contact me at:

Donations can also be offered through monthly preauthorized remittance (PAR) or E-transfers.


For the second year, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be walking up and down Bolton St. collecting food for Bobcaygeon Helps. If you care to visit with them or donate, this is their schedule:

Sat. Dec. 18- 2-3 p.m.

Fri. Dec. 24- 12-1 p.m. Let's show our support and appreciation!

A “Heads-up” in regards to our Annual Report submission

For any Committee Chairperson/s going away over the winter months, please submit your annual report from your committee before going away, so that I can submit a completed report for our Annual General Meeting and complete the report to our United Church General Council. Thank-you, Sue Zilke Ward

You Tube services and music at Trinity & Providence

Please see the You Tube channel for all services and special music. The below will always be the Sunday service link as well as what is sent out every week on our “Friday’s File”. This link is:

When you click on this link, click on the "video" tab at the top of the page and all of the Trinity YouTube music & services will pop up and then click on the one you wish to watch.

PLEASE NOTE: The Kawartha Mission in Lindsay are no longer collecting the plastic milk bags, therefore, please Do Not send in any more into the church.

U.C.W. Meat Pie Sales update

Just to let you know, the group plans on making pies again in January, February & March of 2022. Sorry to say though, due to the higher costs for everything, the price is going to be $6.00 per pie in the New Year. I hope you understand.

Sincerely, Olive Macoomb, UCW

NEW: News from Trinity's Reopening Committee

We sincerely thank the members of our congregation for following the protocols that have been put in place so that we can successfully have Sunday Church Services again. We also thank the many volunteers who have helped with screening, recording contact information, ushering and running the technology equipment. The sense of teamwork is so appreciated!

An update from the Reopening Committee from the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit:

1.) If the paper being handed out at a church service is a single use item and will be taken away at the end of the service, that is allowed. (We would not want “Order of Service” bulletins left in the sanctuary for someone else to have to pick up.)

2.) Only a service can be held in the sanctuary with over 25 people in attendance, with masks worn and social distancing maintained. If a meeting was to be held in the sanctuary, it cannot exceed 25 people.

News from the Knitting Group

The Knitting Group has returned to Trinity! New members are welcome as projects are created for shut-ins and various people in need. The Knitting Group will meet every second Tuesday and the dates will be posted under “Special Activities This Week at Trinity”. Covid Protocols must be followed (signing the contact sheet upon entry, hand sanitizing, wearing masks and maintaining proper social distance). For further information about the Knitting Group, contact Gail Lewis at 705-738-1279. Next meeting December 28th @ 2 p.m.


With the new year coming shortly, I’ll be preparing the 2022 envelope boxes which will be ready for pick up soon. I wanted to inquire whether you still would like to receive the offering boxes as usual.

Some have decided to continue with their offerings via e-transfer, some have decided to continue using their regular envelopes and some still are preparing monthly cheques. (PAR is always the preferred option.)

If you usually donate using offering envelopes and you would NOT like to receive a box of envelopes for 2022, please let me know, so that you may donate to the church using the method best suited to you.

Only those who would like to change their status, please contact me at:

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