Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.
We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishnaabe Nation. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.
We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!
Please note:
Please call the Church Office at (705)738-5135 or email at to receive confirmation of your booking. All functions in the church such as Committee and Council Meetings, must be booked ahead of date with the Office Administrator. It is imperative to book your rooms ahead of time because Covid protocols need be observed.
Please Remember in your PrayersThose at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. If you need prayer or would like to be part of a prayer group, please contact the Prayer Circle in confidence at (705)738-5135 (church office). This week please pray for Seeley’s Bay United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECO).
Birthdays for August!
In August Happy Birthday to:
Steve Oliver (19th), Lorraine Button (20th) and Joan Wesley (21st). May God bless you this coming year!
Anniversaries for August!
Congratulations to: Mary and Richard Fedy (50 yrs.! on 14th), Carol Wells-Gordon & Bill Gordon (16th) and Harlene & Fred Waterman (26th).
We would be pleased if you would…
provide us with your birthday and/or Wedding Anniversary date, so that we can acknowledge and celebrate with you your momentous day!
Providence is open on Sunday’s at 10:00 a.m.
Providence United Church Sunday services will be held outdoors and this Sunday’s guest speaker will be Rev. Chyvonne Pancer with Bill Gordon providing the special music along with Betty Knox. We ask that you bring along a lawn chair, a bottle of water for hydration and a mask for yourself. We will be following Covid protocols of social distancing and masks when singing. If it rains, services will be canceled.
Sunday’s Virtual Coffee Time…
will be taking place on Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Join “Zoom” every Sunday with the “Zoom” link below: Meeting ID: 857 9001 6906; Password: coffee. Come and join us for a casual time of conversation and fun on Sunday’s at 11:00 a.m.! On Aug. 29th it will be cancelled.
I would like to remind you of the opportunity you have to come in to the sanctuary at Trinity Church. Although the church is not officially open, it is open for the following, with all protocols in place:
Thursday mornings, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. for quiet prayer and reflection.
Thursday afternoons, 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. to be the congregation for the recording of the worship services.
These Thursdays are available from August 11 until September 9. The official reopening of the church will be on Sunday, September 19 at 10:30 a.m.
I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities. Please call me, Carol Wells-Gordon to register for the afternoon services. My number is 705-731-0455.
House Church is back and is …
at Walter & Juanita Murray on Wed.Aug. 18th @ 10 a.m. on 56A Need St. Call 738-556 to confirm attendance. Please bring a lawn chair.
You Tube services and music at Trinity & Providence
Please see the You Tube channel for all services and special music. The below will always be the Sunday service link as well as what is sent out every week on our “Friday’s File”. This link is:
When you click on this link, click on the "video" tab at the top of the page and all of the Trinity YouTube music & services will pop up and then click on the one you wish to watch.
UCW ladies – making Chili Sauce!
UCW ladies are making chili sauce in the kitchen on Wed., Sept. 1st & Tues., Sept. 7th starting at 9:00 a.m. Lots of chopping and good fellowship. Bring your favourite knife and come and help. I am still needing 500 ml. Mason Jars so if you have any to contribute that would be great. Thank-you to all who contributed jars so far. Hope to see you on Sept.1st and/or Sept. 7th. Olive Macoomb
UCW Quin-Mo-Lac Fellowship Day
Hosted by Kente UCW for Sat. August 28, 2021 costing $10.00 at the door, but please register ahead of time as space is limited and it is on a “first come, first serve” basis. We have the registration forms at Trinity or if you phone the church office at 738-5135, the registration form can be sent out via your email address as an attachment. The theme is “Let it Go” with music and message by Wanda Stride. Arrival and registration are at 9:30 a.m. Lawn Meeting on Zufelt Lawn, parking by the Climbing Wall and the washrooms/hot water in Zufelt Lodge. Bring your own lawn chair, brownbag lunch, snacks/beverage and an offering for Camp Quin-Mo-Lac. Additional information sent by Kente UCW the day after registration and you may also see the poster on the UCW information board, in the hallway running along the kitchen at Trinity United Church.
Good News - We Are Moving Forward
Update on the Reopening Plan for Trinity United Church
Trinity’s Reopening Committee is moving ahead with a reopening plan that is an ongoing process. Firstly, here is some background information.
· We must follow guidelines established by both the Province of Ontario Reopening Plan and the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit.
· At the beginning of August, the Province of Ontario will announce what the next steps are after the waiting period of 21 days following July 16, 2021.
· Rev. Andrew is on Study Leave for two weeks in August and Susan Zilke Ward is away on holidays for the first two weeks of September.
Trinity Providence Pastoral Charge Services
· Providence United Church outdoor services have begun and start at 10:00 a.m. Services will be cancelled due to inclement weather. Trinity’s church family is invited to attend any services. Rev. Andrew will conduct the September 12th.
· Our date for Trinity’s first indoor service has been moved up to Sunday, September 19th.
· Trinity United Church is inviting people who wish to attend the recording of a service on Thursday afternoons. At the present time 15 people can attend, but that number could increase in the near future. Please contact Carol Wells-Gordon at (705) 731-0455 to book your attendance.
· People who would like to be in the Sanctuary for a personal, quiet time of prayer; the Sanctuary will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday mornings, and protocols are being arranged.
Church Events and Committees
· Trinity is open for church events and committee meetings.
At this time, the total number of people in the church must not exceed 25 and that number also includes staff members. Outdoor events can accommodate up to 100 people.
· “Whether indoors or outdoors, attendees must stay 2 metres apart from each other, except if they live in the same household. Masks must be worn inside when you are within 2 meters of another person who is not a part of your household. Mask use is also recommended outdoors if you cannot stay 2 metres apart from someone outside your household.” (Health Unit)
· Please book any events through Susan Zilke Ward.
Volunteers are Needed to Make our Reopening Happen!
· Many volunteers are needed to make church services, events and committee meetings happen.
· Urgently needed are volunteers for the Livestream Recording of Sunday Services, specifically Camera Work (3-4), Sound System (3-4), Power Point (3-4). Please contact Cathy Bennett at(705) 738-4080 if you are able to provide your talents and enthusiasm. Training is provided!
· For Sunday Services we also need more volunteers to assist with sign in and screening, ushering and cleaning after the service. We sincerely thank the people that we have heard from already.
· Please contact any of the Reopening Committee Members if you are able to help. We can only reopen with everyone working together!
· Reopening Committee Members are Carol Wells-Gordon, Jim Telford, Susan and Armand Hachey, Dave and Audrey Mackay, Cathy Bennett, John Knox, Dorothy McTaggart, Marion Mackenzie, Susan Zilke Ward, Kevin Shields, Connie Picken and Rev. Andrew Macpherson.
Dave Mackay and Connie Picken(Co-chairpersons)
will be starting up again on Thursday, September 23, 2021 in the Sanctuary.
Perhaps now is the time to think about joining the United Church of Canada’s PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) monthly program to ensure your contribution to the churches ongoing expenses are met. With the continuance of COVID-19 protocols, eagerly awaiting vaccine shots and the reopening of Bobcaygeon’s Trinity/Providence United Church, the church’s expenses go on. If PAR is something you’d like to join, please contact Kim Draper at - or call her at 416-346-6902. The church accepts cash or cheques payable to ‘Trinity United Church”, sent to P.O. Box #426, Bobcaygeon, ON, K0M 1A0and e-transfers as follows: