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Announcements for the week of September 16 2024


“…Growing, Caring, Sharing”


The Life and Work of the Church

September 15, 2024




Ministry Focus Areas for Trinity:

Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering

for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.


We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishnaabe Nation.  We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.


 (This is a scent sensitive environment)


We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!


Please Remember in your Prayers

Those at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. This week please pray for Trinity Ottawa United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECOR).

Special Activities this Week at Trinity

Mon.    16       Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall

Mon.    16       Baden Powel Scouts, 6:00 p.m., Trinity Hall

Mon.    16       Hand Drumming, 2:00 p.m., Sanctuary

Tues.    17       Bereavement Group, 2:00 p.m., Fellowship Room

Wed.    18       Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall

Wed.    18       Prayer Circle, 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary

Wed.    18       Bobcaygeon Girl Guides, 6:00 p.m., all rooms

Thurs.  19       Choir, 1:00 p.m., Sanctuary

Thurs.  19       Harmony UCW, 1:30 p.m., Fellowship Room

Thurs.  19       Dance class with Jennine, 7:00 p.m., Trinity Hall

Fri.       20     Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall

Sun.      22      Church Service, 10:30 a.m., Sanctuary with



Best wishes to all those who have Birthdays and Anniversaries in September!


Prayer Request and Pastoral Care

If you have a prayer request, please call the church office at (705)738-5135 and we will pass your request through to our active Prayer Circle which meet every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary for prayer and our Pastoral Care Team.




Are you missing a cane? Please see Sue in the church office to see if it is yours. It was left here after Mary Justices “Celebration of Life”.



To all who helped with the “Celebration of Life” for Mary Justice which took place on Sat., September 7th. Your help is always very much appreciated!


We would like to say a huge THANK-YOU to Bud Justice for gifting Trinity with the new blinds in the Sanctuary! This will make such a big difference during services and various events taking place in the Sanctuary.


Chili Sauce Making Thank-you!

A HUGE THANK-YOU to all who helped making our delicious chili in August and September. Your help was much appreciated! 217 jars where completed! We also wish to thank Karen Foote for her tasty baking for our coffee breaks.


Hand Drumming

all you need is a heartbeat to join. On Monday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Next drumming practice is Monday, September 16th. Drums and Friendship provided.

Thank-you, Debbie


Uke Troupe – Ukulele Practise

We will begin practicing again at Trinity on Monday, September 16th at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Happy practicing until then!


                                 Knitting & Crocheting Group

Our Trinity Knitting & Crocheting Group We will be meeting in the Fellowship Room at Trinity United Church to enjoy some pleasant socializing, a cup of tea and of course a little knitting or crocheting. Our first day back will be Monday, September 23rd at 2:00 p.m.  All are welcome to attend!



that met in the spring is invited to meet in the Fellowship Room on Wednesday, September 18 at 10:30 a.m. Each member will be invited to share what the group meant to them and to discuss future possibilities for group study.



Harmony UCW

Harmony UCW will be meeting on Thursday, September 19th at 1:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room. We are back from summer holidays and are looking forward to seeing you!


Calling all present and former UCW ladies!

On Sunday, Sept. 22nd during the Sunday service, we will be thanking and saying goodbye to Lillian Partridge, as she is moving away. Special refreshments will follow the service.


PROVIDENCE UCW – A Change for the month of September

Since so many of the ladies are involved with the Bobcaygeon Fair taking place starting on Thursday, we will be holding our meeting on TUESDAY, September 24th in the Fellowship Room at Trinity United Church. All are welcome to attend!


Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank

Our family numbers are still increasing with more children.

The following food items would be welcome:

Juice Packs, cereal, Kraft dinner, rice, canned fruit juice, canned vegetables, pasta sauce in jars, peanut butter, canned stews, canned tuna, meat, canned fruit. Our Food Bank box is located in the narthex, or you can drop off items at our grocery store boxes. Your help is greatly appreciated!


Bobcaygeon Terry Fox Run – “No Matter What”

We are pleased to announce that Bobcaygeon’s Terry Fox Run will be held this Sunday, September 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The Run / Walk starts and finishes at Aspira Kawartha Retirement Living, 60 West Street, and is non-competitive, all inclusive, where participants can run, walk, ride or wheel for 2, 5 or 10 kilometres to raise money for Cancer Research. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and the Run concludes with a BBQ. If you are interested, visit for information, to register or to donate online for the Bobcaygeon Site. Donations for School Terry Fox Runs, held in September, are also encouraged. Terry Fox faced challenges, but he faced them “No Matter What”. For further information, please contact Al or Connie Picken at 705-738-2863.


Knox Presbyterian Church presents…

Cairdeas – Irish Trio taking place this, Sunday, September 15th at 2:00 p.m. with tickets being $25.00 each.  Phone 705-738-4086 to purchase your ticket. Light refreshments provided.  Cairdeas is known for their recent work on the hit musical “Come from Away”. (See bulletin board)


Old Hay Bay Church Bus Trip – to celebrate UCC 100th Anniversary

The bus trip will take place on Tuesday, October 1st at 9:00 a.m. Pickup outside Peterborough at Hwy #7 & Keene Rd. parking Lot. $30.00 per person with optional $10.00 boxed lunch. Deadline to register with June Drain at 705-877-2949 or  is Friday, September 20th. (See bulletin board in the hall for more info.)


Bobcaygeon Diners Club – Come have lunch with us!

At Trinity United Church on the second Thursday of each month and the next one will be on Thursday, October 10th. The price is only $12.00 but you must register in advance by calling at (705)324-7323 ext. 654 or visit to reserve your seat. Put on by Community Care, City of Kawartha Lakes.



‘After Words’ … is a new Bereavement Support Program

in Bobcaygeon offered by Kawartha Lakes Hospice. The group meets every first and third Tuesday in the month from 2:00 – 3:.00 p.m. at Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon in the Fellowship Room. Please call Janice Craig, Hospice Bereavement Co-ordinator at 705-324-7323 x 553 for more information. Also, there is a poster with more information on Trinity’s bulletin board in the back hall.



Women’s Retreat from October 8 - October 10

Fee – $400.00 with deposit of $50 required immediately to reserve your spot – Please fill in ECORC grant form to reduce your cost to $268.00 and e-transfer to If you are unable to make it, refunds will be issued, if someone fills your spot. Please contact Kathleen Whyte for questions or help 705-768-3555 or by email Kingfisher Bay Retreat is located on picturesque Stony Lake north of Burleigh Falls just 30 minutes north of Peterborough on Highway 28. (See bulletin board for more information.)



Prior to our upcoming Fall Meeting on November 16th at Trinity, St. Andrew’s United Church (Brighton), we are inviting you to register for four pre-meeting ZOOM opportunities for a closer look and deeper conversation on things that matter. These are the opportunities for engagement, discussion and learning.

1.)           Tuesday, September 3rd from 7-9pm EST: Join us to discuss

 “What is a GC45 Commissioner?” where there will also be a time

 to ask questions about proposals.

2.)   Wednesday, September 25th from 7-9pm EST: “GC45

 Commissioners Meet and Greet” Come out and meet those who

have let their name stand for Commissioners

3.)   Tuesday, October 15th from 7-9pm EST: Join us as the Ministry

 through Property Team presents the “Budget Proposal”.

4.)   Tuesday, November 5th from 7-9pm EST: “Proposal Review” –

a discussion about proposals received to be presented at the Fall General Meeting for approval.

These info sessions are open to all. Please register on our event page. Also, please note, you will not receive the Zoom link till the morning of the event(s). Please contact Karen Wilson at with any questions.


Grassy Narrows River Run Rally

Taking place on Wed. September 18, 2024 at Grange Park, Toronto starting at 12 noon. For more information contact also

See bulletin board in the hallway at Trinity.


Online Book Study of ECORC

The Equity Forum of ECORC is hosting an online book study of Dr. Amy Kenny’s book “My Body is not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church.” This will be a 5-week Wednesday evening series on the following dates: October 23, 30, November 6, 13 and 20.

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