“…Growing, Caring, Sharing”
The Life and Work of the Church
November 6, 2022
Ministry Focus Areas for Trinity:
Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering
for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.
We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishnaabe Nation. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.
(This is a scent sensitive environment)
We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!
Please Remember in your Prayers
Those at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. This week please pray for South Stormont United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECO).
Special Activities this Week at Trinity
Mon. 07 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall
Mon. 07 Cupe, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m., Bethel Room
Mon. 07 Baden Powel Scouts, 6:00 p.m., Trinity Hall
Tues. 08 Browning Meat, 9:00 a.m., Kitchen
Tues. 08 Settlers Quilters, 1:00 p.m., Trinity Hall
Wed. 09 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall
Wed. 09 Prayer Circle, 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary
Wed. 09 Girl Guides, 6:00 p.m., Trinity Hall
Thurs. 10 Meat Pie Making, 8:30 a.m., Kitchen & Trinity Hall
Thurs. 10 Pastoral Care Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Sanctuary
Fri. 11 Respite Care, 8:30 a.m., Trinity Hall
Sun. 13 Sunday Service, 10:30 a.m., Sanctuary
and livestreaming.
Prayer Request and Pastoral Care
If you have a prayer request, please call the church office at (705)738-5135 and we will pass your request through to our active Prayer Circle and Pastoral Care Teams.
Best wishes to all those who have Birthdays and Anniversaries in November!
Celebrating our 162nd Anniversary!
Our guest speaker for Anniversary Sunday, November 20th will be Rev. Janet Stobie. The Providence Road Band is also coming to Trinity to provide the special music. Please plan to come out and celebrate our 162nd Anniversary!
everyone who helped with winterizing Trinity gardens and helped with the Autumn clean-up around the church. Your help was greatly appreciated!
News from the Knitting Group
The Knitting Group meet every second Tuesday and will begin meeting as of November 1,2022. For further information about the Knitting Group, contact Gail Lewis at 705-738-1279.
The Fall Edition of the Carillon is now being planned. TODAY, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 is the deadline for your submissions. Distribution will be Friday November 18. What is your group or committee doing? Did you make some memorable memories? Send them to me at Pictures are welcome too! Sue Pepper
S.I.M. (Spirit In Motion) House Church
is planned for Wednesday, November 9th at 10:30 a.m. at the home of John & Jan Carson, 166 Bick St, Bobcaygeon. Please call 705-738-1835 or email to let us know whether you will be coming or not.
An Advent Request
Advent, a time of spiritual preparation, will soon be upon us. We would like to prepare a special aide for each person in our church community of faith to use as part of his/her journey through this special time. To make it truly special, we are asking each of you to make one or more contributions to it. It can be in the form of a poem, a short personal reflection, a photo – really, just about anything that has special meaning to you and reflects the thoughts of hope, peace, joy, or love. (Please indicate whether it is original or give credit to the originator.) Submissions can be made digitally. Please submit them to Sue in the church office (include email address for you please) by NOVEMBER 10TH. Don’t delay – if you’ve already thought of something, please send it now!
Thank-you, Rev. Bob Root
UCW Bazaar & Bake Sale--Saturday, Nov. 19
The Gift Boutique Table at the UCW Bazaar will consist of new and 'gently' used items. Items for this table will be accepted during the week of November 14-18. Please leave your donations on the designated table in the Fellowship Room. You may donate knitted items, quilts, china, crystal, and glassware. We will also accept jewelry and scarves. All donations will be gratefully received--and hopefully find new owners. If you have any questions, please phone Juanita Murray at 705-738-5556.
Good quality Christmas decoration to sell at our Trinity/Providence Church Bazaar, which is taking place on Saturday, November 19, 2022. Thank-you, Patty Anderson
A Request from Audrey Mackay for the Bazaar
I’m working the bazaar on November 19th and am looking for items for the toonie auction table (not yard sale items). If you have anything appropriate, please call me @ 705-731-0099 and I will pick it up. Thanks in advance, Audrey Mackay
NOTE: For more info. please see green sheets on Narthex table.
VIP Cash/Gift Cards
We will be ordering GIFT CARDS ON November 20th for the 2022 Christmas Time. We cannot have COD orders at this time and your cheques should be payable to “TRINITY UNITED CHURCH”.
Pick up your order form from the Church Office or from the clip boards by the washrooms and put them in my mailbox.
Thank-you, Bud Justice
Faith, Hope & Love, Harmony, and Providence UCW
A combined lady’s luncheon will be held at “Just for the Halibut” on Thursday, December 8th at 12:30 p.m. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us. Thank-you, Jan Carson (705)738-1835.
‘After Words’ … is a new Bereavement Support Program
in Bobcaygeon offered by Kawartha Lakes Hospice. The group meets every first and third Thursday in the month from 1.00 – 2.00 p.m. at the Lions Club, Market Square, Bobcaygeon. Please call Janice Craig, Hospice Bereavement Co-ordinator at 705-324-7323 x 553 for more information.
Bobcaygeon Helps Foodbank
The number of clients has greatly increased at the Food Bank. The Food Bank Box in the narthex is picked up weekly. There are drop off boxes at both of our grocery stores.
Items in need:
Canned fruit, canned vegetables, juices boxes, canned juice, tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant, and toilet tissue. Bobcagyeon Helps is now set up for e-transfer. The contact information is: Bobcaygeon Food Bank. The email address is: Method of payment through: email.
Anti-Racism, Interfaith and Intercultural Forum:
Tuesday November 8, 2022, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm (in person) Location: Trinity United Church, Cobourg Clergy and LLWL Training - Interpretation of Scriptures through the Art of a Lens of Anti-racism. To be facilitated by: Dr. Dorcas Gordon, former Director, Toronto School of Theology, Professor, and Principal of Knox College, U of T. Offered by The ECORC Anti-Racism, Interfaith and Intercultural Forum.
The Fall Meeting documents are now available on our website at 2022 ECORC Annual Fall Meeting - October 29th - East Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada (