Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering
for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.
We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishnaabe Nation. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.
We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!
Please note: Reopening News
NEW! As of Tuesday, March 1, 2022 more Covid-19 Restrictions have been lifted in Ontario including the removal of capacity limits inside public settings. Please note the following protocols:
• Masks must continue to be worn inside public places.
• Physical distancing should be continued.
• Individuals must self-screen for Covid-19 symptoms before
• Continue to hand sanitize.
Special Activities this Week at Trinity
We sincerely thank all of those participating in activities and meetings for following the Covid 19 Protocols established by the Ontario Government and the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit. We all need to do our part to keep our church as safe as possible!
Mon. 07 Respite Care, 8:30 a.m., Trinity Hall
Mon. 07 EAB Inc. Executive meeting, 7:00 p.m., Trinity Hall
Please Remember in your PrayersThose at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. If you need prayer or would like to be part of a prayer group, please contact the Prayer Circle in confidence at (705)738-5135 (church office). This week please pray for Lyn: Christ Church United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECOR).
Best wishes to all those who have Birthdays and Anniversaries in March!
Prayer Request and Pastoral Care
If you have a prayer request, please call the church office at (705)738-5135 and we will pass your request through to our active Prayer Circle and Pastoral Care Teams or you may call Rev. Andrew Macpherson.
Prayer Circle
The Prayer Circle will be meeting at Jo and Morris Wesley’s home on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. If you are interested in participating, please call Jo at 705-738-9032.
We are looking for volunteers to run the video/camera equipment as well as our Power Point presentations on Sunday worship services. No experience necessary and training will be provided. Come and learn a new skill and help out your church family at the same time!
The 2022 envelopes are ready for pick up at the church. If you do not see a box with your name on it and would like to receive a box for your Givings, please contact me at:
Donations can also be offered through monthly preauthorized remittance (PAR) or E-transfers.
Income Tax Receipts
Income Tax Receipts are now available in the church office and on Sunday mornings. We sincerely thank Kim Draper for her work in getting our receipts prepared.
Solomon’s Porch Bible Study will meet this Thursday, March 3, 2022 in the Fellowship Room beginning at 11:00 a.m.! Everyone is welcome to participate!
Book Club – “The Heart of Christianity” …
Our next we meeting will be on Thurs. March 3, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Room. All are welcome to join in!
World Day of Prayer at Trinity!
The World Day of Prayer Worship Service is taking place at Trinity United Church on (TODAY) Friday, March 4, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. The theme of the service is found in the book of Jeremiah: “I Know the Plans I Have for You”. All are welcome to join us for this meaningful time of fellowship!
The deadline for submissions for the Spring Newsletter is Sunday March 20. Please send them to me as an attached Word document to suejpepper@yahoo.caThe old-fashioned way of dropping it in my box (top right- hand corner) is also welcomed but not preferred! If you have pictures, please send them to me! PLEASE DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Sue Pepper
The number of clients has greatly increased at the Food Bank. The Food Bank Box in the narthex is picked up weekly. There are drop off boxes at both of our grocery stores. Items in need: Canned fruit, canned vegetables, juices boxes, canned juice, tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant and toilet tissue.
News from the Knitting Group
New members are welcome as projects are created for shut-ins and various people in need. The Knitting Group meet every second Tuesday and the dates will be posted under “Special Activities This Week at Trinity”. Covid Protocols must be followed (signing the contact sheet upon entry, hand sanitizing, wearing masks and maintaining proper social distance). For further information about the Knitting Group, contact Gail Lewis at 705-738-1279.
You Tube services and music at Trinity & Providence
Please see the You Tube channel for all services and special music. The below will always be the Sunday service link as well as what is sent out every week on our “Friday’s File”. This link is:
When you click on this link, click on the "video" tab at the top of the page and all of the Trinity YouTube music & services will pop up and then click on the one you wish to watch.
“Re-connecting With Life” Workshop
Will be taking place on Thursday, March 24th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fenelon Falls Seniors’ Centre at 58 Murray St., Fenelon Falls.
Special Presentation: “Renewal: Hope and Healing in the Wake of a Pandemic” by Maureen Pollard, Registered Social Worker. Cost – Free!
Attendance is limited to 60 participants with a hot catered lunch provided. Pre-registration and proof of vaccination will be required to attend. Please contact Doreen Bovill, at or call 1-866-888-4577 ext. 2323 by March 14th. Please see poster in the hall by the kitchen for more details.