“…Growing, Caring, Sharing”
The Life and Work of the Church
February 26, 2023
Ministry Focus Areas for Trinity:
Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering
for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.
We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishinaabe Nation. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.
(This is a scent sensitive environment)
We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!
Please Remember in your Prayers
Those at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. This week please pray for Navan-Vars United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECO).
Special Activities this Week at Trinity
Mon. 27 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall
Mon. 27 Baden Powel Scouts, 6:00 p.m. – 9 p.m., Trinity Hall
Mon. 27 Browning Beef, 1:30 p.m., kitchen
Wed. 01 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall
Wed. 01 Prayer Circle, 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary
Wed. 01 Bobcaygeon Girl Guides, 6:00 p.m., Trinity Hall
Thurs. 02 Beef Meat Pie making, 8:30 a.m., Trinity Hall & Kitchen
Thurs. 02 Lenten Study, 10:30 a.m., Fellowship Room
Thurs. 02 Cupie #3204 meeting, 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Room
Thurs. 02 Choir Practice, 2:00 p.m., Sanctuary
Fri. 03 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall
Sun. 05 Church service & livestreaming, 10:30 a.m., Sanctuary.
Sun. 05 After church selling chicken & beef meat pies, Trinity
Best wishes to all those who have Birthdays and Anniversaries in February!
Prayer Request and Pastoral Care
If you have a prayer request, please call the church office at (705)738-5135 and we will pass your request through to our active Prayer Circle and Pastoral Care Teams.
Frozen beef and chicken pies…
will be available for sale at $6.00 each after worship service on Sunday, March 5th. I hope to see you then.
Thank-you, Olive Macoomb
Letting Go
When we celebrated Jesus' baptism, we used stones as symbols of things we need to let go of, and as signs of our commitment to walk with God. Lose yours? Gave it away? There are more on the table in the narthex. Please enjoy and share!
With thanks, Rev. Dr. Bob Root
Lenten Study Group – Book “Good Courage”
There will be a Lenten Study Group on Thursdays, which began on February 23 for six weeks, at 10.30 a.m. “Good Courage” aims to inspire with honest testimonies from people who have had the courage to follow their hearts, to hope against hope, and to faithfully work towards a better world. In these pages, find comfort with examples of practical and courageous hope in the midst of despair, and accept the challenge to deepen your theological understanding of hope, resurrection, and new life.
New Year
New Music
New Time
Choir Practices Thursdays 2-3:30 pm
If there are any questions or concerns regarding your 2022 Tax Receipts, please forward any inquiries to All donations in the year 2023 will be the responsibility of Cathy Bennett, as she will be the new Envelope Steward and all inquiries can be directed to her:
Please remember to fill out UCW questionnaire and hand it back to Lillian Partridge or the church office. There will be copies on the Narthex table, for anyone who needs one to fill out.
Are you a Knitter or Crocheter?
We need people to knit or crochet mitten, scarves, hats for our Mitten Tree. The items are distributed to our community here in Bobcagyeon and Lindsay to places like our public schools, Curve Lake, Boys & Girls Club, Ross Memorial Hospital, A Place Called Home etc. before Christmas.
World Day of Prayer 2023…
will be taking place at Knox Presbyterian Church in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, March 3rd at 2:00 p.m. and the Country featured is Taiwan. See the bulletin board for more information.
News from the Knitting Group
The Knitting Group meet every second Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 8th. We knit Prayer Shawls adults and children who need comfort, peace, and love as they go through personal loss, sickness, and grief. For further information about the Knitting Group, please contact Gail Lewis at 705-738-1279 or the church office for Karin’s address if you wish to join them.
Broadview Magazine Renewal
The Broadview focuses on a wide variety of Cultures & Views, life experiences from many perspectives and a unifying voice in these times of change. For the low cost of $25.00 for 8 issues, you can renew your subscription or become a new subscriber. You can give or mail your cheque or cash to Sue in the office, or you can speak to me after church in Trinity Hall. We need to send the information and payment in by April 3rd. Your new subscription will begin in June. Thank-you, Susan Hachey
Bobcaygeon Helps Foodbank
The number of clients has greatly increased at the Food Bank.
The Food Bank Box in the narthex is picked up weekly. There are drop off boxes at both of our grocery stores.
Items in need:
Canned fruit, canned vegetables, juices boxes, canned juice, tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant, and toilet tissue. Bobcagyeon Helps is now set up for e-transfer. The contact information is: Bobcaygeon Food Bank. The email address is: Method of payment through: email.
40-40 Challenge! Instead of giving up something for Lent – why not try the 40-40 Challenge? Each day of Lent, remove one item from your cupboard or closet that you no longer wear or use, and donate the items to a local charity/thrift shop OR take an item of food from your cupboard every day for the Food Bank, OR set aside a loonie or toonie every day of Lent for your favourite charity.
Will be taking place on Saturday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. in Trinity United Church Sanctuary. Come and listen to Christine Tassan et les Imposteures! The cost is singles $30.00 but if you pre-book, there is a savings of $5.00. Children aged 12 and under are free. To book your tickets call 705-731-7497. See the Bobcaygeon Music Council website for information.
‘After Words’ … is a new Bereavement Support Program
in Bobcaygeon offered by Kawartha Lakes Hospice. The group meets every first and third Thursday in the month from 1.00 – 2.00 p.m. at the Lions Club, Market Square, Bobcaygeon. Please call Janice Craig, Hospice Bereavement Co-ordinator at 705-324-7323 x 553 for more information.
Donations for Turkey and Syria
On Monday, February 6, a series of powerful earthquakes struck southern Türkiye (Turkey) near the border with Syria. The quakes caused extensive damage and loss of lives. At time of writing, the death toll has surpassed 20,000 people, and thousands more are missing.
The winter weather makes the situation even more dire for people who are without shelter, warm clothes, blankets, water, and food. Some of the people affected by the earthquake were already displaced by conflict.
Today, people need emergency shelter, blankets, mattresses, clean water, food, and hygiene items.
We join Mission & Service partners the Middle East Council of Churches, ACT Alliance, the Canadian Food grains Bank, and the Humanitarian Coalition to show tangible support for the people of Türkiye and Syria.
You can be a part of these efforts by donating now. Thank you for your generosity.
If you wish to donate to people who were affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, please mark "Turkey/Syria" on your envelope, cheque or E-transfer if donating through Trinity United Church.
Concerts start at noon and a Freewill offering welcome at Cambridge Street United Church on 61 Cambridge St. North in Lindsay. Concerts taking place on Wednesday from March 1 to March 29, 2023. Bring your lunch and stay for a social time afterwards with tea and coffee provided. See the bulletin board in the hall by the kitchen for musicians and type of music being presented.