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Announcements for the week of December 12, 2022


“…Growing, Caring, Sharing”

The Life and Work of the Church

December 11, 2022


Ministry Focus Areas for Trinity:

Nurturing the Spirit, the Caring Journey, partnering

for the Community, Funding for Ministry, Sharing Hope Locally and Globally.

We acknowledge that we live on the traditional territory of the Mississauga People of the Anishnaabe Nation. We acknowledge their stewardship of the land throughout the ages.

(This is a scent sensitive environment)

We extend a warm, friendly welcome to all!

Please Remember in your Prayers: Those at home, in nursing homes and in hospital who are facing illness, bereavement and other life challenges. This week please pray for Rideau United Church, East Central Ontario Region (ECO).

Special Activities this Week at Trinity

Mon. 12 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall

Mon. 12 EAB Inc. meeting, 7:00 p.m., Bethel Room

Mon. 12 Baden Powel Scouts, 6:00 p.m., Trinity Hall

Tues. 13 Settler Quilters Guild, 11:30 a.m., Trinity Hall

Tues. 13 Knitting Group, 2:00 p.m., Fellowship Room

Wed. 14 Respite Care, 9:00 a.m., Trinity Hall

Wed. 14 Prayer Circle, 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary

Wed. 14 Girl Guides, 6:00 p.m., Trinity Hall

Fri. 16 Respite Care, 8:30 a.m., Trinity Hall

Fri. 16 Cupie#3404, 12 noon, Bethel Room

Sun. 18 4th of Advent Church Service/Christmas Cantata

and Livestreaming, 10:30 a.m., Sanctuary

Best wishes to all those who have Birthdays and Anniversaries in December!

Prayer Request and Pastoral Care

If you have a prayer request, please call the church office at (705)738-5135 and we will pass your request through to our active Prayer Circle and Pastoral Care Teams.

Ina Mae Lyle

Ina Mae Lyle passed away Friday, December 2, 2023. Her viewing and funeral service took place this past Friday at Hendren’s Funeral Home. Memorial donation to Trinity United Church or Canadian Cancer Society. Let us keep the Lyle family in our prayers as they go through this difficult time of loss.

Choir Announcement

All choir members are requested to stay after today’s, December 11th service for choir practise for our Christmas Cantata next week.

News from the Knitting Group

The Knitting Group meet every second Tuesday and will begin meeting as of December 13,2022. For further information about the Knitting Group, contact Gail Lewis at 705-738-1279.

Join us for a special Christmas Service

on December 18th

Come celebrate the story and carols of the first Christmas, “Come sing with us the Christmas Story” a cantata by our very own choir!

News from Providence

Unfortunately, there will be no Christmas Service at Providence this year.


The 2023 offering envelopes are in the front hall at the church, ready for pick up. If you have any problems, please contact Kim Draper 416-346-602 or

Please recycle any unused 2022 or later envelopes.

To All Committee Chairs and Team Leaders

If you are going away for the winter, please send in your committee reports for the "Annual General Meeting" taking place in February. The Annual Reports will need to be completed by January 22, 2023 and sent into the office @


A Christmas Concert presented by The Kawartha Male Chorus. Join us for an afternoon of Christmas music on Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 2:30 p.m. At St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church located on 40 William St. N., Lindsay Freewill Offering.

‘Bobcaygeon Helps Foodbank

The number of clients has greatly increased at the Food Bank.

The Food Bank Box in the narthex is picked up weekly. There are drop off boxes at both of our grocery stores.

Items in need:

Canned fruit, canned vegetables, juices boxes, canned juice, tooth paste, shampoo, deodorant, and toilet tissue. Bobcagyeon Helps is now set up for e-transfer. The contact information is: Bobcaygeon Food Bank. The email address is: Method of payment through: email.

‘After Words’ … is a new Bereavement Support Program

in Bobcaygeon offered by Kawartha Lakes Hospice. The group meets every first and third Thursday in the month from 1.00 – 2.00 p.m. at the Lions Club, Market Square, Bobcaygeon. Please call Janice Craig, Hospice Bereavement Co-ordinator at 705-324-7323 x 553 for more information.

Dunsford United Church,

located at 1981 Dunsford Rd., invites you to our Christmas Day service, Sun. Dec. 25th at 10 a.m. This will be a relaxed service with hymns, stories, and readings, led by Evelyn Chambers, LLWL. Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Please Note:

The Fall Meeting documents for ECORC’s Annual Fall Meeting are now available on their website at 2022 ECORC Annual Fall Meeting - October 29th - East Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada ( See what your funds are going to support and the latest financials and news for your district!

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